Our Records

5 Year Win-Loss Records + Full Current Breakdown of Records

2020: Pro Football 26-7 (78 %)   College Football 29-13 (69.1%)   Pro Basketball 16-10 (61.3%)   College Basketball 26-9 (74.2%)   Baseball 54-29 (65.6%)

2019:  Pro Football 25-10 (71 %)   College Football 30-16 (62.5%)   Pro Basketball 20-10 (66%)   College Basketball 27-11 (71%)   Baseball 42-22 (66%)


2018:  Pro Football 21-7 (75 %)   College Football 33-20 (62%)   Pro Basketball 19-10 (65.5%)   College Basketball 26-15 (63.4%)   Baseball 41-26 (61.2%)


2017:  Pro Football 25-9 (73.5%)   College Football 27-11 (71%)   Pro Basketball 22-10 (68.7%)   College Basketball 17-6(73.9%)   Baseball 31-18 (62.5%)


2016:  Pro Football 29-10 (74.3%)   College Football 35-15 (70.7%)   Pro Basketball 41-21 (66.1%)   College Basketball 28-18(60.8%)   Baseball 31-18 (63.2%)

Looking forward to another winning season!